World 5-2

The Fine Print

Checking Boring Stuff

It’s easy to miss what’s obvious.

Some things seem so familiar, that I don’t look at them with ‘fresh eyes’.

Books I’ve read many times, walks through familiar ground.

Every now and again I get surprised at why I didn’t see obvious things sooner. Obvious in hindsight, anyway.

Checking What’s Right in Front

I used to throw away the leaflets from containers of insulin. I treated them like trash, not worth looking at.

But a few years ago, I took the time (each only 10 minutes) to read through:

  • Insulin leaflets
  • BGL test kit leaflets
  • Other T1D device leaflets
  • Any leaflets I get for medicine too

I’ve learned (and highlighted) interesting things:

I highlight what's most interesting in a leaflet
How accurate is a BGL reading?
How fast does insulin work?

Leaflets are surprisingly useful!