The Goldilocks Zone usually refers to doing something that’s not too hard and not too easy.
If I were still reading Spot the Dog books or about hungry caterpillars, I might get bored. On the other hand, I won’t be picking up a textbook on Advanced Russian Chemistry anytime soon.
Getting it about right means being in the zone. A cool place to be. Like when I’m reading The Far Side.
High Feel, Low Feel
I’m a big fan in t1D of aiming for pretty good BGL rather than perfection.
This is for overall health: mental (less stress), physical (feel pretty healthy), spiritual (t1d numbers aren’t the be-all and end-all of life).
Normal Feel
The Normal BGL Zone is a good-feelin’ place to be. I’m not close to being always there.
But it’s useful to keep remembering it as the target. I try to keep learning about t1d so I can stay in that zone more and more.