You’ve probably seen those pictures of BGL readers displaying an ‘ideal’ number. I smile when I hit that exact number, but it sure ain’t every time I test.
Just like an airplane making adjustments to keep an average altitude, that’s sorta the same as me making adjustments to keep a relatively steady BGL.
I don’t just use the same insulin for the same meal every day. I try to think about:
Altitude (i.e. how low or high my current BGL is)
Direction (BGL going up/going down)
Emergency Manoeuvres (whether I recently had a hypo)
I try to get in the habit of making little corrections, like injecting a bit more if I’m a bit high, or whatever. Maybe I’ll eat an extra piece of fruit to start the meal if I’m a bit low.
I also try not to be doing lots of complicated corrections all the time each day. Simple corrections, not too often, works well for me.