Food is a real confounder or ‘confuser’ when it comes to t1d for me. Especially when it comes to basal.
It’s impossible to get rid of the effect of confounders in t1d (exercise, sleep, temperature, insulin, etc).
But it is possible to minimise their influence. I do a couple of things.
Action 1: late/early
Action 2: boring diet
Sometimes (usually a Saturday) I try having either:
brunch in place of breakfast
an early-afternoon dinner
This helps me see whether my basal is keeping my BGL steady when (1) I first wake up or (2) if my night-time basal stays steady all evening before bed.
I eat the same exact breakfast (or dinner) several days in a row.
The idea here is that I work out my bolus well enough after a few attempts, then I can concentrate better on whether my basal is right.
Having the same breakfast is much easier than having the same dinner – unless I eat breakfast food at dinner!