I’m not against eating at certain times of the day. Sometimes it makes things easier.
But if I’m in the middle of something, or it’s a day when routine goes out the window (eg special events, hikes), it’s handy to go without eating for a while.
When I started as a t1der, I was very regimented in when I had meals (in fact, with the insulin I had at the time, I had to inject 1/2 an hour before eating, making flexibility difficult).
Now, when my basal is right, I don’t have to eat breakfast when I first get up.
I haven’t always got my basal right unfortunately. But it really is a ‘base’ to focus on, to launch my food strategy from. If my basal is right, my BGL doesn’t go too high or too low.
I’m not against a routine time of eating – I’m against having to eat at that time. Being able to choose to eat or not is nice, but the basal needs to be about right.